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shenandoah rails with to trails river valley rail road railroad railway rail way trail rails bike biking walk walking trail 48 mile train trains short line rr corridor line track tracks tourist freight passenger commuter
nv northern virginia daily news record
strasburg mauertown toms brook edinburg woodstock mount mt jackson new market timberville broadway harrisonburg front royal warren winchester warren rockingham shenandoah county counties
Are we affiliated with the "Shenandoah Rail Trail Exploratory Partnership"?Not currently. While we do not support a full conversion to a walking trail, we have made repeated attempts to work with the Shenandoah Alliance and the Shenandoah Rail Trail Exploratory Partnership. So far, they are unwilling to adopt Rails-WITH Trails vision even though it is the best solution for ALL of the Valley's citizens. We trust that they will soon see the light and do what's right for the Valley. We are always willing to work with anyone on real transportation solutions that will sustain our diverse citizens far into the future! Why should the Valley remove a vital rail corridor when we already suffer from no passenger rail, congested highways and a lack of high-wage industrial jobs?
Do you support a complete rails-to-trails conversion?No! A stand-alone trail is not the highest and best use of our valuable Valley resources and skills. We DO NOT support a full conversion to a trail when we need rail service right now. We DO support a trail built responsibly within the existing railroad right-of-way, but it has to make sense. We continue to advocate our "rails-WITH-trails" vision in front of the leadership of the Valley, but also the Commonwealth.
Are you paid community organizers?No! None of our team receives a pay check, kickbacks, or any compensation for saving the rails. Unlike the Shenandoah Alliance, we are not paid community organizers trying to force a $120+ million burden on our local and state taxpayers. Rather, we are a group of concerned citizens, railroaders, business owners, and farmers who volunteer our time and money to make all of this happen. The Shenandoah Rail Trail however, uses your tax revenue to fund pieces of their efforts, regardless of your opinion on the matter.
How can I help?1. Call your Local and State Representatives and tell them to "Save the rails!" Visit our Support Us tab to find your local reps name and phone number. 2. Like and share us on Facebook! 3. Subscribe to our email list for all updates and calls to action! Thanks so much for your interest!
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